Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Alaska potential breach


ANCHORAGE, Alaska - The HIV status of thousands of Alaskans could be in 
the hands of a thief.

Anchorage Police, along with the Alaska Aids Assistance Association 
known as the Four A's, say the sensitive information was taken earlier 
this month, but because the investigation is still very active, a lot of 
information is not being made public at this time.

However, both police officials and Four A's representatives say they're 
confident neither the organization, nor the information, were 
specifically targeted.

"The potential breach could affect around 2,000 individuals statewide, 
and until the investigation is completed itself, will we be able to 
determine if anybody at all was affected, to what level and then that 
will determine how we notify them, when we notify them and what 
information we share," said Four A's Executive Director Trevor Storrs.